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Till the first email hits your inbox, here’s some of our most popular stories about water and climate change that you can get started with:

The curse of coal
Jharia, the coal-rich belt falling in the eastern state of Jharkhand in India, has one of the largest coal reserves in India. However, this powerhouse of India’s highly coal-dependent economy is a hellhole for thousands living in the area. It is a spot of untold miseries and overlooked atrocities —…
Re-greening through the inclusion of farmers and communities in Tanzania
An ancient, nature-based method of rainwater harvesting and Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration is used to re-green Dodoma region of Tanzania.
Pakistan’s floods show the need for tech-based climate solutions
With intense rainfall that led to one-third of Pakistan being flooded, yet leaving people water-stressed, experts speaking to Rida Shah emphasise the need for better forecasting technology and preparedness, and finding innovative solutions to cope with climate-induced disasters.

Enjoy reading, watching and listening!

Joep Janssen & Team Nextblue

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